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We couldn't help animals without the love and support of our community!
We couldn't help animals without the love and support of our community!
Journey - Pack Lyfe RescueTied up in a burning house and was rescued by first responders. |
Jackson - Pregnant Mare RescueJackson was ripped away from his mom (who was also starved and abused) when he was a newborn. When trying to reunite the two after rescue, Claire kicked Jackson in the knee due to confusion and fear landing him at UC Davis. |
Aila - Pack Lyfe RescueAila has trouble standing up with only 3 legs. Being front heavy puts a lot of strain on her body, leg, and heart so HAIN purchased a prosthetic for her. |
Dakota & pups - Pack Lyfe RescueFound on the side of a busy highway in horrible living conditions. Dakota was caring for 2 litters (17 pups) and a homeless man was attempting to sell the puppies. |
Chickie - Tails of GrayNeeded emergency dental work after having a leg amputated due to injury. |
London -Bark RescueOn the euthanasia list and became very ill after being pulled from a county shelter. She had multiple infections, was severely dehydrated, and wasn't eating or drinking. |
Kira & Zoey - Pack Lyfe RescueKira- sexually abused
Olive- IMPS RescueOn the euthanasia list at a county shelter with a severely injured leg. Needed corrective surgery with a specialist. |
Community Cats - Delta View CatsProvided a month supply of food for 50+ cats in the Pittsburg Marina district. |
Olivia - Pack Lyfe RescueHad kennel cough and was skinny, dehydrated, and malnourished. |
Brie - CA Bully RescueHas kidney disease and high blood pressure. On a strict and expensive food / supplement regimen and needed help with monthly costs. |
Lily - Friends of Contra Costa Animal SheltersOn euthanasia list due to a mammary mass. Needed emergency surgery. |
Romeo - Pack Lyfe RescueBurned alive. We did everything we could to save him. R.I.P Romeo. We will never forget you. |
Tucker - Oliver's Safe Haven RescueSevere skin infection that was being misdiagnosed. Infection was going internal. Needed second opinion and proper diagnosis. |
Multiple Animals -Animal Town SanctuaryHealth checks after an emergency evacuation from a wildfire. |
Cookie - Delta View CatsHad severe pain in his mouth and would cry every time he tried to eat, even soft food. Needed dental surgery. |
Ringo - Tails of Gray RescueThis senior pup needed to have a large tumor on his head removed. |
Shasta's 9 Puppies - Pack Lyfe RescueA surprise to us all! Covered all of their expenses such as food, spay/neuter, vet checks, and foster care supplies. |
Tinkerbell - Jelly's Place RescueFound hiding under a car trying to give birth. A puppy was stuck in the birth canal for at least a day and she had to have an emergency c-section to deliver to 2 other deceased puppies. |
Angel - Oliver's Safe Haven RescueShe has deformed legs from being locked in cages and with heavy chains and forced to breed. |
Shasta - Pack Lyfe RescueStuck at a shelter with a broken leg, bad diarrhea, and hours away from being euthanized. |
Roku - MAD RescueWas on the euthanasia list with very little time left. Sitting at shelter for 2 weeks with severe trauma to his hips and spine and only on light pain meds. Couldn't stand up. |
Apple - Packlyfe RescueWas on the euthanasia list and had a massive cancerous tumor growing between her genitals, down her leg, and into or organs. |
Joey -The Dancing Cat RescueHas irritable bowel disease and needs re-checks and ongoing medication. |
Cowboy - Hopalong Animal RescueHit by a car, miserable, and in pain. He needed to secure funding for surgery before going to a rescue. |
Shyann - Cal Paws K9 RescueHit by a car and put on the euthanasia list at a high kill shelter. Had to have her front leg amputated. |
Paris - The Dancing Cat RescueHas cancer and needs ongoing re-checks to see how he's responding to chemo. |
Simba - Cal Paws K9 Rescue11 month old pup red-listed at a kill shelter due to correctable behaviors. HAIN paid for his training school. |
Lucas - Tails of Gray RescueIn great pain/couldn't urinate properly - needed surgery to remove kidney and urethral stones as well as pain medication for an old leg injury. |
Noella & Babies - Rabbit HavenAt a high kill shelter and needed secure funding for spay/neuter, vaccinations, microchips, and exams before being pulled to safety. |