Visit Instagram (@hainrescuefund) and sign up for our newsletters to get the full story on the animals we've helped below.
We couldn't help animals without the love and support of our community!
We couldn't help animals without the love and support of our community!
Thor - Pack Lyfe RescueThor was a severely neglected senior who was about to be euthanized. Though we did all we could to help him, Thor passed peacefully from complications after emergency surgery. |
Nibbler - Full Circle CatsAfter losing his brother, Nibbler was alone, sad , sick and on the euthanasia list at a local shelter. He needed to secure funding in order to be saved. |
Saint - Pack Lyfe RescueSaint was hit by a car and ended up in the shelter. He leg couldn't be saved and he needed an amputation to give him the best quality of life. |
Gucci - Pack Lyfe RescueGucci lived a life of neglect . He was sick and very stressed out at a local shelter. As a 13 year old senior, he was overlooked. HAIN and his foster picked him up 2 hours before his euthanasia deadline! |
Pappas - Better World RescueADOPT ME!
Pappas was saved from euthanasia minutes before his time was up. Pappa’s ability to run, walk and play started deteriorating quickly and his pain levels increased. HAIN provided for his corrective surgery and he is now doing great and on the road to recovery. |
Greybie/Honey - Pack Lyfe RescueADOPT ME!
She had major ear and skin infections and was rescued within hours of being euthanized. |
Millie - California Bully RescueDumped by a breeder, still full of milk, and full of painful foxtails. She received emergency surgery and is on the road to recovery.
Parvo Puppies - Pack Lyfe Rescue5 puppies dumped with Parvo, all close to death. With proper treatment they miraculously all survived.
Bruno - Tails of GrayBruno spent 12 years of his life neglected in a backyard. He was malnourished, had a skin condition, had severe arthritis, and had multiple lumps and sores on his body. HAIN covered all of his medical care.
Astro - HopalongAstro, a stray dog, was rescued in dire condition, suffering from severe neglect. Overcrowded shelters and limited resources put him at risk of euthanasia. Astro's medical issues included severe mange and a double ear infection.
Georgy - Angus n Friends Cat RescueGeorge suffered from severe stomatitis and was in a lot of pain. He could hardly eat, was underweight because of this, and would try pulling canned foods out of the recycling to try and lick the liquids/soft food out of them.
Willy Wonka - Better Word RescueWilly Wonka is a puppy that was at a county shelter and was set to be euthanized due to his injuries. Better World Rescue took him in and got him into emergency surgery. After a few days into recovery, he started screaming in pain. They took him back to the vet and discovered he had to have surgery on his other hip and leg.
Toby/Joey - Pack Lyfe RescueToby, now Joey, a stray found in Oakland, couldn't walk and was diagnosed with Atlantoaxial Subluxation, a severe neck and spine condition. With only 48 hours to raise the necessary funds, we managed to secure a miracle and save Toby's life. Today, he's a happy, active dog, adopted by his foster family.
Conan - Better World Rescue2 month old Conan was dumped on the doorstep of our rescue partner’s home . Conan was screaming in pain and dragging his front left paw. It was decided that an amputation would give Conan the best quality of life.
Pebbles - Pack Lyfe RescuePebbles was dumped on the street at 8 weeks old. She had a condition called Hydrocephalus, where spinal fluid leaks into the brain.
Journey - Pack Lyfe RescueInitially found tied up in a burning house, he endured a harrowing journey, from an emergency vet visit to the brink of euthanasia due to lack of funding and ownership. His past remains a mystery, but Journey's patience and kindness throughout his ordeal demonstrate his deserving nature.
Jackson - Pregnant Mare RescueJackson was ripped away from his mom (who was also starved and abused) when he was a newborn. When trying to reunite the two after rescue, Claire kicked Jackson in the knee due to confusion and fear landing him at UC Davis.
Aila - Pack Lyfe RescueAila has trouble standing up with only 3 legs. Being front heavy puts a lot of strain on her body, leg, and heart so HAIN purchased a prosthetic for her.
Dakota & pups - Pack Lyfe RescueFound on the side of a busy highway in horrible living conditions. Dakota was caring for 2 litters (17 pups) and a homeless man was attempting to sell the puppies.
Chickie - Tails of GrayChickie needed emergency dental work after having a leg amputated due to injury.
London -Bark RescueOn the euthanasia list and became very ill after being pulled from a county shelter. She had multiple infections, was severely dehydrated, and wasn't eating or drinking.
Kira & Zoey - Pack Lyfe RescueKira- sexually abused
Zoey - shot with bb guns and one struck her in the eye and she lost her vision. |
Olive- IMPS RescueOn the euthanasia list at a county shelter with a severely injured leg. Needed corrective surgery with a specialist.
Community Cats - Delta View CatsProvided a month supply of food for 50+ cats in the Pittsburg Marina district.
Olivia - Pack Lyfe RescueHad kennel cough and was skinny, dehydrated, and malnourished.
Brie - CA Bully RescueHad kidney disease and high blood pressure. On a strict and expensive food / supplement regimen and needed help with monthly costs.
Lily - Friends of Contra Costa Animal SheltersOn euthanasia list due to a mammary mass. Needed emergency surgery.
Romeo - Pack Lyfe RescueBurned alive. We did everything we could to save him.
R.I.P Romeo. We will never forget you. |
Tucker - Oliver's Safe Haven RescueSevere skin infection that was being misdiagnosed. Infection was going internal. Needed second opinion and proper diagnosis.
Multiple Animals -Animal Town SanctuaryHealth checks after an emergency evacuation from a wildfire.
Cookie - Delta View CatsHad severe pain in his mouth and would cry every time he tried to eat, even soft food. Needed dental surgery.
Ringo - Tails of Gray RescueThis senior pup needed to have a large tumor on his head removed.
Shasta's 9 Puppies - Pack Lyfe RescueA surprise to us all! Covered all of their expenses such as food, spay/neuter, vet checks, and foster care supplies.
Tinkerbell - Jelly's Place RescueFound hiding under a car trying to give birth. A puppy was stuck in the birth canal for at least a day and she had to have an emergency c-section to deliver to 2 other deceased puppies.
Angel - Oliver's Safe Haven RescueShe had deformed legs from being locked in cages and with heavy chains and forced to breed.
Shasta - Pack Lyfe RescueStuck at a shelter with a broken leg, bad diarrhea, and hours away from being euthanized.
Roku - MAD RescueWas on the euthanasia list with very little time left. Sitting at shelter for 2 weeks with severe trauma to his hips and spine and only on light pain meds. Couldn't stand up.
Apple - Packlyfe RescueWas on the euthanasia list and had a massive cancerous tumor growing between her genitals, down her leg, and into or organs.
Joey -The Dancing Cat RescueHad irritable bowel disease and needed re-checks and ongoing medication.
Cowboy - Hopalong Animal RescueHit by a car, miserable, and in pain. He needed to secure funding for surgery before going to a rescue.
Shyann - Cal Paws K9 RescueHit by a car and put on the euthanasia list at a high kill shelter. Had to have her front leg amputated.
Paris - The Dancing Cat RescueHad cancer and needed ongoing checks to see how he responded to chemo.
Simba - Cal Paws K9 Rescue11 month old pup red-listed at a kill shelter due to correctable behaviors. HAIN paid for his training school.
Lucas - Tails of Gray RescueIn great pain/couldn't urinate properly - needed surgery to remove kidney and urethral stones as well as pain medication for an old leg injury.
Noella & Babies - Rabbit HavenAt a high kill shelter and needed secure funding for spay/neuter, vaccinations, microchips, and exams before being pulled to safety.